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Land for Sale 0.19 acre, 1, Zip Code 32148

Posted: 20.05.2024, USA, Interlachen (Florida)
Land for Sale 0.19 acre, 1, Zip Code 32148
4 000 $ (USD)
  • 4 000 $ (USD)
  • 333 949.07 ₹ (INR)
  • 3 579.26 €
  • 222 611.95 ₱
  • 0.0633 BTC (BTC)
  • 1.5570 ETH (ETH)
  • 4 000 USDT (USDT)
  • 27.1739 SOL (SOL)
  • 69 722.25 R
  • 131 574.58 ฿ (THB)
  • 3 003.68 £
  • 22 058.40 R$
  • 14 691.84 د.إ
  • 5 433.40 C$
  • 77 659.21 $ (MXN)
  • 15 010.21 ﷼
  • 5 881.66 A$
  • 165 904.23 UAH
  • 6 411.80 $ (NZD)
  • 240 167.33 RD$ (DOP)
  • 368 962.21 RUB
  • 16 615 345.82 $ (COP)
  • 40 684.80 kr (SEK)
  • 31 165.80 元
  • 3 402.40 ₣
  • 41 942.80 kr (NOK)
  • 15 127.66 ₪
  • 3 722 580.12 $ (CLP)
  • 28 207.60 圓
  • 3 846 162.70 $ (ARS)
  • 1 918 322.79 KZT
  • 13 094.47 BYR
  • 575 740.49 円
  • 2 076 060.57 ₡ (CRC)
  • 1 128 600 190.48 Bs (VEF)
  • Type of Listing: For Sale
  • Contact person: Mark Fink
  • Country: USA
  • City: Interlachen (Florida)
  • Address: 1, Zip Code 32148
  • Please inform the advertiser that you found this ad on GVANGA.COM

This property is for sale by owner and Zillow, Inc. is displaying it at the owners request. It is not subject to a listing agreement with Zillow, Inc. or its affiliates.

Market Type: Resale property
Posting as: Owner


Land size: 0.19 acres
View Map
USA, Interlachen (Florida), 1, Zip Code 32148
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