Si eres una agencia inmobiliaria y tienes una gran cantidad de listados de propiedades que publicar, ¡tenemos la opción gratuita de carga masiva de anuncios inmobiliarios en XML! * a GVANGA.COM
Paso 1: Crea un archivo XML (feed) - un archivo estructurado y actualizado en tu sitio. El formato aceptado se especifica más adelante.
Paso 2: Regístrate en Para poder cargar el feed XML, tienes que ser un usuario registrado en nuestro sitio. Por favor toma en cuenta que el servicio de importación de feed XML sólo está disponible para compañías.
Paso 3: Envía la URL del feed XML. Puedes ponerla en el formato de comentarios que está a continuación o enviar un enlace a tu formato de feed XML desde la sección de "Mi Cuenta" en "Feeds XML".
Una vez que hayas agregado tu feed XML, será verificado y revisado por nuestros moderadores.
Cuando esté aprobado, la información de tu feed XML será automáticamente cargada y actualizada en nuestro sitio web una vez por día. Puedes gestionar los anuncios importados en la sección de "Mi Cuenta" en la pestaña de "Anuncios del feed XML".
Requerimientos del feed
Por favor, toma en cuenta que todos los anuncios cargados desde tu archivo XML deben seguir nuestras Políticas de Publicación. Evita duplicar la información de contacto y los enlaces a recursos en línea en el texto de tu anuncio (
Relevancia - el feed debe contener únicamente información relevante de los anuncios.
La edición de anuncios importados previamente se debe realizar actualizando los datos ya existentes.
Requerimientos técnicos de tu feed
Character | Código |
" | " |
& | & |
> | > |
< | < |
' | ' |
Formato del feed XML
Each XML document should begin with an XML declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
XML file must contain the root element 'catalog' with the feed creation date:
<catalog generated="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm+02:00">...</catalog>
Each ad is formed by the element 'offer', for which you need to define a unique ID in the file.
Required Fields
Element Name | Description |
<id> | a unique ID for a particular ad |
<categoryId> | Specify a Category ID for each offer from the following:
<propertyType> | Required field only for the following categories: 925, 926, 927, 930, 931, 932. Fixed text string. Select a property type from the list:
<listingType> | Specify a type of a listing. Fixed text string: "for sale" or "for rent" |
<title> | Ad title |
<description> | Ad description – the text information |
<price> | Price: an integer > 0 (without spaces) |
<currency> | Currency: an alphabetic currency code from the ISO 4217 code list |
<url> | A single URL for each ad |
<seller> | Parent element for the contact details of the agent: <seller> Required field is marked below with an asterisk. |
<company-name> | Company name |
<name> | Contact name |
<phone> | Phone number |
<email>* | E-mail address |
<location> | Parent element used to describe the property location: <location> Required field is marked below with an asterisk. |
<country>* <region> <city>* <address> <zipcode> <latitude> <longitude> <subwayName> <distanceToSubway>
<distanceToCity> | The name of the country The name of the region, district, state The name of the city Address where the property is located Postal code Latitude Longitude The name of the subway station The distance to the subway station in meters: an integer > 0 (without spaces). You can define another length unit by the attribute 'unit'. The distance to the city in km: an integer > 0 (without spaces). You can define another length unit by the attribute 'unit'. |
Additional Fields
It is recommended to include more elements in each offer for a better conversion and ranking in our search results.
Element Name | Description |
<updateDate> | Date last update of the ad (the date format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm+02:00) |
<creationDate> | Creation date of the ad (the date format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm+02:00) |
<imageUrl> | URL to a photo of the property (tag single element should be added for each image, up to 4 tags can be added for each offer). |
<rentalTerms> | Rental period (Fixed text value: 'Daily', 'Short term' or 'Long-term') |
<isNewBuild> | Element name for the property in new buildings (a boolean value. If YES use one of the values: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true', if NO use one of the values: 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<constructionType> | Construction Type. Fixed text value from the list: 'Panel' |
<landStatus> | Land status. Fixed text value from the list: 'Residential' |
<garageType> | Garage type. Fixed text value: 'Reinforced concrete' |
<buildingClass> | Building class for commercial properties ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D') |
<isElite> | Luxury (a boolean value. If YES use one of the values: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true', if NO use one of the values: 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<floor> | Floor number (an integer > 0) |
<floorsTotal> | Total number of floors (an integer > 0) |
<roomsTotal> | Number of rooms (an integer > 0) |
<bedroomsTotal> | Number of bedrooms (an integer > 0) |
<bathroomsTotal> | Number of bathrooms (an integer > 0) |
<parkingSpaces> | Number of parking spaces (an integer > 0) |
<floorArea> | Total gross floor area (an integer and fractional part with two decimal digits (hundredths), e.g., 10.26). You can define the unit of area by the attribute 'unit': 'sq.m' or 'sq.ft'. The default is square meters. |
<useableFloorArea> | Usable floor area (an integer and fractional part with two decimal digits (hundredths), e.g., 10.26). You can define the unit of area by the attribute 'unit': 'sq.m' or 'sq.ft'. The default is square meters. |
<kitchenArea> | Kitchen size (an integer and fractional part with two decimal digits (hundredths), e.g., 10.26). You can define the unit of area by the attribute 'unit': 'sq.m' or 'sq.ft'. The default is square meters. |
<roomArea> | Sq area of the room (an integer and fractional part with two decimal digits (hundredths), e.g., 10.26). You can define the unit of area by the attribute 'unit': 'sq.m' or 'sq.ft'. The default is square meters. Tag single element should be added for each room. |
<lotSize> | Land size (an integer and fractional part with two decimal digits (hundredths), e.g., 10.26). You can define the unit of area by the attribute 'unit': 'hundred part', 'acre', 'hectare'. The default is hundred parts (1 hundred part = 100 sq.m). |
<ceilingHeight> | Ceiling height in meters (an integer and fractional part with two decimal digits (hundredths), e.g., 10.26 - use a dot as delimiter). You can define the unit of height by the attribute 'unit': 'm' or 'ft'. The default is meters. |
<sunroom> | Sunroom (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<balcony> | Balcony (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<elevator> | Elevator (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<garbageChute> | Garbage chute (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<roomFurniture> | Furniture for rooms (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<kitchenFurniture> | Kitchen furniture (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<phoneline> | Phone line availability (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<internet> | Internet availability (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<tv> | TV (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<washer> | Washing machine (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<fridge> | Refrigerator (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<dishwasher> | Dishwasher (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<airConditioning> | Air conditioning (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<centralHeating> | Central heating supply (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<sewage> | Sewerage supply (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<gasSupply> | Gas line (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<waterSupply> | Water supply (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<electricitySupply> | Electricity supply (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<petsAllowed> | Pets are allowed (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<concierge> | Concierge (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<parkingSpace> | Parking space availability (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<security> | Security (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<securityAlarm> | Security alarm (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<gatedArea> | Gated area (a boolean value: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true' or 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<paymentMethod> | Method of payment. Free text string. |
Ejemplo de un feed XML válido:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <catalog generated="2016-11-29 17:24"> <offers> <offer> <id>1</id> <categoryId>925</categoryId> <propertyType>Apartment</propertyType> <listingType>For sale</listingType> <title>Apartment for sale</title> <description>New apartment 3 bedrooms for sale, 400 meters from the beach, 220 sq. m, unfurnished.</description> <price>700000</price> <currency>USD</currency> <seller> <companyName>Real Estate Agency</companyName> <name>Seller</name> <phone>+1(727)777-7777</phone> <email></email> </seller> <location> <country>USA</country> <region>Florida</region> <city>Saint Petersburg</city> <address>2nd Avenue South</address> <zipcode>33777</zipcode> <latitude>27.712203</latitude> <longitude>82.653092</longitude> </location> <url></url> <paymentMethod>bank transfer</paymentMethod> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <updateDate>2016-11-29 15:40</updateDate> <isNewBuild>1</isNewBuild> <constructionType>Monolithic</constructionType> <floor>2</floor> <floorsTotal>16</floorsTotal> <roomsTotal>2</roomsTotal> <bedroomsTotal>1</bedroomsTotal> <bathroomsTotal>1</bathroomsTotal> <parkingSpaces>1</parkingSpaces> <floorArea unit="sq.m">220</floorArea> <useableFloorArea unit="sq.m">180</useableFloorArea> <kitchenArea unit="sq.m">15.50</kitchenArea> <ceilingHeight unit="m">2.50</ceilingHeight> <balcony>1</balcony> <elevator>1</elevator> <garbageChute>1</garbageChute> <phoneline>1</phoneline> <airConditioning>1</airConditioning> <centralHeating>1</centralHeating> <sewage>1</sewage> <gasSupply>1</gasSupply> <concierge>1</concierge> <waterSupply>1</waterSupply> <parkingSpace>true</parkingSpace> </offer> <offer> <id>2</id> <categoryId>930</categoryId> <propertyType>Office space</propertyType> <listingType>For rent</listingType> <title>Office space for rent</title> <description>Office space for rent right in the city centre, 20 sq.ft, unfurnished, for long term.</description> <price>1000</price> <currency>USD</currency> <seller> <companyName>Real Estate Agency</companyName> <name>Seller</name> <phone>+1(727)777-7777</phone> <email></email> </seller> <location> <country>USA</country> <region>Florida</region> <city>Saint Petersburg</city> <address>2nd Avenue South</address> <zipcode>33777</zipcode> <latitude>27.712203</latitude> <longitude>82.653092</longitude> </location> <url></url> <paymentMethod>bank transfer</paymentMethod> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <updateDate>2016-11-29 15:40</updateDate> <buildingClass>A</buildingClass> <floor>4</floor> <floorsTotal>10</floorsTotal> <roomsTotal>1</roomsTotal> <floorArea unit="sq.ft">20</floorArea> <elevator>1</elevator> <internet>1</internet> </offer> <offer> <id>3</id> <categoryId>929</categoryId> <listingType>For sale</listingType> <title>Lock Up Garage for sale</title> <description>Lock Up Garage for sale in city centre: 4.75m deep 2.85m wide. </description> <price>3000</price> <currency>USD</currency> <seller> <companyName>Real Estate Agency</companyName> <name>Seller</name> <phone>+1(727)777-7777</phone> <email></email> </seller> <location> <country>USA</country> <region>Florida</region> <city>Saint Petersburg</city> </location> <url></url> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <garageType>Brick</garageType> <floorArea unit="sq.m">13.50</floorArea> <securityAlarm>1</securityAlarm> </offer> <offer> <id>4</id> <categoryId>927</categoryId> <propertyType>Cottage</propertyType> <listingType>For rent</listingType> <title>Cottage for rent</title> <description>New cottage 3 bedrooms for rent for short term, 400 meters from the beach, 150 sq. m.</description> <price>500</price> <currency>USD</currency> <seller> <companyName>Real Estate Agency</companyName> <name>Seller</name> <phone>+1(727)777-7777</phone> <email></email> </seller> <location> <country>USA</country> <region>Florida</region> <city>Saint Petersburg</city> <address>2nd Avenue South</address> </location> <url></url> <paymentMethod>bank transfer</paymentMethod> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <rentalTerms>Short term</rentalTerms> <constructionType>Wooden</constructionType> <floorsTotal>2</floorsTotal> <roomsTotal>5</roomsTotal> <bedroomsTotal>3</bedroomsTotal> <bathroomsTotal>2</bathroomsTotal> <parkingSpaces>2</parkingSpaces> <floorArea unit="sq.m">150</floorArea> <useableFloorArea unit="sq.m">120</useableFloorArea> <roomArea unit="sq.m">20</roomArea> <roomArea unit="sq.m">25</roomArea> <roomArea unit="sq.m">28</roomArea> <balcony>1</balcony> <roomFurniture>1</roomFurniture> <kitchenFurniture>1</kitchenFurniture> <phoneline>1</phoneline> <internet>1</internet> <tv>1</tv> <fridge>1</fridge> <washer>1</washer> <airConditioning>1</airConditioning> <centralHeating>1</centralHeating> <sewage>1</sewage> <gasSupply>1</gasSupply> <electricitySupply>1</electricitySupply> <petsAllowed>1</petsAllowed> <security>1</security> <dishwasher>1</dishwasher> <waterSupply>1</waterSupply> <securityAlarm>1</securityAlarm> <gatedArea>1</gatedArea> <parkingSpace>1</parkingSpace> </offer> <offer> <id>5</id> <categoryId>928</categoryId> <listingType>For sale</listingType> <title>Land for sale</title> <description>Land for sale, 1000 acres in a prosperous farming neighborhood.</description> <price>700000</price> <currency>USD</currency> <seller> <companyName>Real Estate Agency</companyName> <name>Seller</name> <phone>+1(727)777-7777</phone> <email></email> </seller> <location> <country>USA</country> <region>Florida</region> <city>Saint Petersburg</city> <latitude>27.712203</latitude> <longitude>82.653092</longitude> <distanceToCity unit="mile">10</distanceToCity> </location> <url></url> <landStatus>Agricultural</landStatus> <lotSize unit="acre">1000</lotSize> </offer> </offers> </catalog>
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Si tienes preguntas o sugerencias con respecto a la carga de anuncios XML en GVANGA.COM, por favor contáctanos por medio del formato que está a continuación.
** Solo un feed de anuncios XML es gratuito para las agencias inmobiliarias. Cada feed adicional será un servicio pagado, el costo está incluido en el plan tarifario y se renueva cada mes.
*** Los agregadores de información y sistemas manejadores de contenido tienen condiciones especiales premium de conexión. El costo del pago mensual depende del número total de anuncios cargados desde el feed XML.