Der Massen-Upload ermöglicht es Autohändlern und Händlerbetrieben, schnell und kostenlos zahlreiche Autoanzeigen auf GVANGA hochzuladen.
Sie müssen uns lediglich die XML-Datei mit Ihren momentanen Fahrzeugangeboten zur Verfügung stellen und Ihre Anzeigen werden auf GVANGA importiert und einmal täglich aktualisiert. Zusätzlich fügen wir kostenlos Herstellerangaben für jedes beworbene Auto hinzu.
Um unseren automatischen Massen-Upload zu nutzen, registrieren Sie sich bitte auf GVANGA und geben Sie einen Link zu Ihrer XML-Datei auf der Mein Account-Seite an.
Schritt 1: Erstellen Sie eine XML-Datei (Feed), eine strukturierte, aktualisierende Datei auf Ihrer Seite. Das unterstützte Format ist unten spezifiziert.
Schritt 2: Registrierung auf Um den XML-Feed hochzuladen, müssen Sie ein registrierter Benutzer auf unserer Website sein. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Import von XML-Feeds nur Unternehmen zur Verfügung steht.
Schritt 3: Übermitteln Sie die URL Ihres XML-Feeds. Sie können das Feedback-Formular unten ausfüllen oder den Link zu Ihrem XML-Feed auf der „Mein Account“-Seite unter „XML-Feeds“ absenden.
Nachdem Sie Ihren XML-Feed hinzugefügt haben, wird er durch unsere Moderatoren verifiziert und überprüft.
Wenn er angenommen wird, wird der Inhalt Ihres XML-Feeds automatisch hochgeladen und auf unserer Website einmal pro Tag aktualisiert. In der “Mein Account”-Seite unter „Anzeigen vom XML-Feed” können Sie die importierten Anzeigen verwalten.
Anforderungen an den Feed
Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Anzeigen, die von Ihrer XML-Datei importiert werden, unseren Inhaltsrichtlinien entsprechen müssen. Vermeiden Sie sowohl doppelte Kontaktinformationen und Links in Ihrem Anzeigentext (
Relevanz – Der Feed sollte nur relevante Informationen über die Anzeigen enthalten.
Erstellen Sie keine neue Anzeige, wenn Sie lediglich eine bereits existierende Anzeige bearbeiten möchten. Aktualisieren Sie stattdessen die bereits vorhandene Anzeige.
Technische Anforderungen an Ihren Feed
Character | Code |
" | " |
& | & |
> | > |
< | < |
' | ' |
Format des XML-Feeds
Each XML document should begin with an XML declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
XML file must contain the root element 'catalog' with the feed creation date:
<catalog generated="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm+02:00">...</catalog>
Each ad is formed by the element 'offer', for which you need to define a unique ID in the file.
Required Fields
Element Name | Description |
<id> | a unique ID for a particular ad |
<make> | Car Make |
<model> | Car Model |
<year> | Car's model year (the date format: YYYY) |
<bodyType> | Fixed text string. Select a car body type from the list: 'Sedan' |
<color> | Choose a colour from the list: 'Black' |
<doors> | Number of doors (an integer > 0) |
<steeringWheel> | Steering wheel arrangement ('LHD', 'RHD') |
<gearBox> | Type of Car Transmission ('CVT', 'AT', 'MT') |
<engineCapacity> | Engine capacity (an integer and fractional part with one decimal digit, e.g., 1.6). You can define the unit of capacity by the attribute 'unit': 'l' or 'cm3'. The default is liters. |
<horsePower> | Horse power (an integer > 0, without spaces) |
<driveTrain> | Drive train ('Rear WD', 'Front WD', '4WD') |
<engineType> | Engine type ('Diesel', 'Gasoline', 'Hybrid') |
<title> | Ad title |
<description> | Ad description (Free text string) |
<condition> | Car's condition. Fixed text string. Choose the condition from the list: 'new' |
<price> | Selling price (an integer > 0, without spaces) |
<currency> | Currency: an alphabetic currency code from the ISO 4217 code list |
<seller> | Parent element for the contact details of the agent: <seller> Required field is marked below with an asterisk. |
<companyName> | Company name |
<name> | Contact name |
<phone> | Phone number |
<email>* | E-mail address |
<type> | Seller type ('Owner', 'Dealer', 'Company'). The default is 'Dealer'. |
<location> | Parent element used to describe the car location: <location> Required field is marked below with an asterisk. |
<country>* | The name of the country |
<region> | The name of the region, district, state |
<city>* | The name of the city |
<address> | Address where the car is located |
Additional Fields
It is recommended to include more elements in each offer for a better conversion and ranking in our search results.
Element Name | Description |
<url> | A single URL for each ad |
<imageUrl> | URL to a photo of the car (tag single element should be added for each image, up to 4 tags can be added for each car). |
<updateDate> | Date last update of the ad (the date format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm+02:00) |
<paymentMethod> | Method of payment. Free text string. |
<vin> | A vehicle identification number (VIN) |
<odometer> | Odometer km/miles (an integer > 0, without spaces). You can define the unit of odometer by the attribute 'unit': 'km' or 'm'. The default is kilometers. |
<generation> | A particular generation of vehicle (II, E70, etc.) |
<paintType> | Paint type. Fixed text string. Choose the type of paint from the list: 'Glossy' |
<customs> | Customs clearance (a boolean value. If YES use one of the values: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true', if NO use one of the values: 'no', '0', '-', 'false') |
<armored> | Boolean: If YES use one of the values: 'yes', '1', '+', 'true', if NO use one of the values: 'no', '0', '-', 'false' |
<interiorFeatures> | Parent element used to describe the car interior features |
<interiorMaterials> | Interior Materials. Fixed text string. Choose the type of materials from the list: 'Leather' Separate different types with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<seatMaterial> | Seat Materials. Fixed text string. Choose the material from the list: 'Leather' Separate different types with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<interiorColor> | Interior Color. Fixed text string. Choose the color from the list: 'Black' Separate different colors with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<safetyFeatures> |
Parent element used to describe car safety features. |
<activeSafety> | Active Safety Systems. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Emergency Unlocking in case of accident' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<parkingSensors> | Parking Sensors. Fixed text string. Specify 'Front' or/and 'Rear' parking sensors (separate text with a comma if both). |
<passiveSafety> | Passive Safety Systems. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Seat Belt Pretensioner' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<camera> | Camera. Fixed text string. Specify 'Rear-View' or/and 'Front View' camera (separate text with a comma if both). |
<securitySystems> | Security Systems. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Central Locking System' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<equipmentSensors> | On-Board Equipment and Sensors. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'On-Board Computer' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<adjustments> |
Parent element used to describe car adjustments. |
<steeringWheel> | Steering Wheel. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: Height Adjustment Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<mirrorAdj> | Mirror Adjustment. Fixed text string. Specify 'Manual Mirror Adjustment' or 'Power Mirrors'. |
<driversSeatAdj> | Driver's Seat Adjustment. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Seat Height Adjustment' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<passengersSeatAdj> | Passenger's Seat Adjustment. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Seat Height Adjustment' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<powerWindows> | Power Windows. Fixed text string. Specify 'Front' or/and 'Rear' power windows. (separate text with a comma if both). |
<comfort> |
Parent element used to describe Car Comfort Features |
<climateControl> | Climate Control. Fixed text string. Specify: '1-zone', '2-zone' or '3-zone'. |
<powerSteering> | Power Steering. Fixed text string. Specify: 'Hydraulic Power Steering' or 'Electric Power Steering' |
<additional> | Additional Comfort Features. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Air Conditioning' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<multimediaNavi> |
Parent element used to describe Multimedia and Navigation Car Features. |
<equipment> | Multimedia and Navigation Equipment. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Speakers' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<speakersQty> | Specify the number of Car Speakers. |
<additionalFeatures> |
Parent element used to describe additional car features. |
<equipment> | Additional Equipment. Fixed text string. Choose the features from the list: 'Sunroof' Separate different features with a comma in the case of a multiple choice. |
<wheelSize> | Specify the wheel size. |
Beispiel eines validen XML-Feeds:
Wir nehmen auch Dateien in anderen Formaten an. Sie können uns Ihre Datei senden und wir werden die Möglichkeit des Datenimports in dem entsprechenden Format in Betracht ziehen.
Falls Sie Fragen oder Vorschläge bezüglich des Massen-Uploads von XML-Anzeigen auf GVANGA.COM haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über das nachfolgende Kontaktformular.